Očarljiv dišeči srček s svežino sivke.
Začinite svoj dom z nežno dišavo sivke v obliki čudovitega srčka, izdelanega z ljubeznijo v Rokodelskem centru Rogatec. Naš dišeči srček je več kot le dekoracija – je vonj po sprostitvi, naravi in svežini, ki bo napolnil vaš prostor s prijetno atmosfero.
Zakaj izbrati naš Dišeči Srček s Svežino Sivke:
– Rokodelstvo z ljubeznijo: vsak srček je skrbno izdelan s strastjo in natančnostjo v Rokodelskem centru Rogatec, ki se ponaša s tradicijo in vrhunsko kakovostjo.
– Pomirjujoč vonj sivke: sivka je znana po svojih sproščujočih lastnostih. Naš dišeči srček bo napolnil vaš dom s to nežno dišavo, ki vam bo pomagala sprostiti se po
napornem dnevu.
– bio sivka: sivka je pridelana na Ekološkem vrtu Muzeja na prostem Rogatec.
– zaščita pred molji: sivka je odlična zaščita v kuhinji ali garderobnih omarah, saj uspešno preganja molje.
– Unikatna dekoracija: naš srček je ne samo vir prijetnega vonja, temveč tudi čudovit okras, ki se prilega vsakemu prostoru. S svojo edinstveno obliko bo privabil
– Ročno izdelano: vsak srček je izdelan ročno, kar pomeni, da je vsak kos nekoliko drugačen, kar ga naredi še bolj posebnega.
Dopustite, da dišeči srček s svežino sivke naredi vaš dom še bolj prijeten. Privoščite si sprostitev in vonj narave ter napolnitev svoj prostor z nežno sivko.
Charming Lavender-Scented Heart
Spice up your home with the gentle aroma of lavender in the form of a delightful heart, handcrafted with love at the Artisan Center Rogatec. Our scented heart is more than just a decoration; it’s the scent of relaxation, nature, and freshness that will fill your space with a pleasant atmosphere.
Why Choose Our Lavender-Scented Heart:
– Craftsmanwork with love: each heart is carefully made with passion and precision at the Artisan Center Rogatec, known for its tradition and top-notch quality.
– Calming lavender scent: lavender is renowned for its soothing properties. Our scented heart will infuse your home with this gentle fragrance, helping you relax
after a long day.
– 100% organic lavender: Lavender is cultivated in the organic Garden of the Open-Air Museum Rogatec.
– Moth protection: Lavender is excellent protection in the kitchen or wardrobe, effectively repelling moths.
– Unique decoration: our heart is not only a source of a pleasant scent but also a beautiful ornament that complements any space. Its unique design will draw
– Handcrafted: Each heart is made by hand, which means that each piece is slightly different, making it even more special.
Let the lavender-scented heart with the freshness of lavender make your home even more delightful. Treat yourself to relaxation, the scent of nature, and infuse your space with the gentle lavender aroma.
Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.