Darilni paket Rogatec 10 Okus tradicije


🎁 Darilni paket Rogatec 10 “Okus tradicije” je odlično darilo za ljubitelje tradicije, okusov in lepih stvari. Bodite prepričani, da boste s tem paketom razveselili vsakogar, ki ceni kakovost in izvirnost.

Darilni paket vsebuje:
1x liker iz višenj 0,2 l
1x podstavek iz ličja za uporabo v kuhinji


The Gift Package Rogatec 10 “Taste of Tradition” is an excellent gift for those who appreciate tradition, flavors, and beautiful items. Rest assured that with this package, you will delight anyone who values quality and originality.

The gift package includes:
1x cherry liqueur 0.2 l
1x natural corn husk placemats for use in the kitchen


Iščete popolno darilo, ki združuje okus tradicije in praktičnosti? Predstavljamo vam Darilni paket Rogatec 10 – 🍒 “Okus tradicije”, ki vas popelje na potovanje v preteklost, polno edinstvenih okusov in domače topline.

Ta čudovit paket vsebuje:

🍷 1x liker iz višenj: okus višenj, ujet v steklenici. Ta liker je narejen po tradicionalnem receptu, ki se prenaša iz roda v rod. Vsak požirek je praznovanje tradicije in okusa, ki vas bo popeljal nazaj v čas, ko je vsaka kapljica štela.

🌿 1x podstavek iz ličja za uporabo v kuhinji: ličje je naravni material, ki bo vašo kuhinjo obogatil s pridihom narave. Ta podstavek ne le zaščiti vašo mizo pred toploto in madeži, ampak je tudi čudovit dekorativni element, ki prinaša domačnost in tradicijo v vaš dom.

🎁 Darilni paket Rogatec 10 “Okus tradicije” je odlično darilo za ljubitelje tradicije, okusov in lepih stvari. Bodite prepričani, da boste s tem paketom razveselili vsakogar, ki ceni kakovost in izvirnost.


Are you looking for the perfect gift that combines the taste of tradition and practicality? Allow us to introduce you to the Gift Package Rogatec 10 – 🍒 “Taste of Tradition,” which takes you on a journey into the past, filled with unique flavors and homely warmth.

This beautiful package includes:

🍷 1x cherry liqueur: the taste of cherries captured in a bottle. This liqueur is made according to a traditional recipe that has been passed down through generations. Each sip is a celebration of tradition and flavor, transporting you back to a time when every drop mattered.

🌿 1x natural corn husk placemats for use in the kitchen: corn husk is a natural material that enriches your kitchen with a touch of nature. This placemat not only protects your table from heat and stains but also serves as a beautiful decorative element that brings homeliness and tradition to your home.

🎁 The gift package Rogatec 10 – “Taste of Tradition” is an excellent gift for those who appreciate tradition, flavors, and beautiful items. Be confident that with this package, you will delight anyone who values quality and originality.


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