Darilni paket Rogatec5 z roko v naravi
Razvajajte sebe ali svoje najdražje s skrbno izbranim naborom naravnih in ekoloških izdelkov, zasnovanih za razvajanje in nego kože.
Ta izvrsten darilni paket vključuje:
– Bio Balzam za ustnice: ohranite vaše ustnice mehke in nežne z našim naravnim, ekološkim balzamom za ustnice. Formuliran z najboljšimi sestavinami, zagotavlja
trajno hidracijo in zaščito pred vplivi okolja.
– Naravno Milo: doživite luksuz naravnega čiščenja z našim ročno izdelanim milom. Nežno očisti vašo kožo, da se počutite osveženi, medtem ko subtilen vonj obogati
vašo izkušnjo prhanja.
– Bio mazilo za roke (30g): Poskrbite za svoje roke z našim bio mazilom za roke. Ta bogata in hranljiva formula nudi olajšanje za suhe in utrujene roke, pusti jih
mehke, navlažene ter zaščitene.
Izdelki v Darilnem paketu Rogatec5 so popolni za razvajanje samega sebe ali kot premišljeno darilo za nekoga posebnega.
Izdelki so pridelani na ekološkem vrtu in predelani v Muzeju na prostem Rogatec.
Gift Package Rogatec 5
Indulge yourself or your loved ones with our Gift Package Rogatec 5 – a thoughtfully curated selection of natural and organic products designed to pamper the senses and nurture the skin. This exquisite gift package includes:
– Organic lip balm: keep your lips soft and supple with our natural, organic lip balm. Formulated with the finest ingredients, it provides long-lasting hydration and protection against environmental factors.
– Natural Soap: experience the luxury of pure and natural cleansing with our handcrafted soap. Gently cleanse your skin, leaving it feeling refreshed, while the subtle scent enhances your shower experience.
– Organic hand balm (30g): take care of your hands with our organic hand balm. This rich and nourishing formula offers relief for dry and tired hands, leaving them soft, moisturized, and protected.
– The products in Gift Package Rogatec 5 are perfect for self-indulgence or as a thoughtful gift for someone special. Treat yourself or your loved ones with nature and enjoy the benefits of these high-quality, natural products.
Discover the beauty of nature with Gift Package Rogatec 5 – products grown and processed in the organic garden of the Open-Air Museum Rogatec.
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